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Service details


Placing the right people in the right jobs

For ensure the optimal client experience, high quality testing and high quality customer service, Kaien is employee autistic based testers and non-autistic project managers.

Project managers, who have seasoned software testing skills but are not diagnosed with autism, will function as interface with clients as well as leaders of testing teams to mitigate general communication and social interaction challenges of testers with high functioning autism (HFA).

To complement Kaien’s core operating staff, a team of job coaches and graduate school volunteers will support HFA testers with non-work related needs such as working environment needs, communication support, transportation support, personal finance and tax advisement, etc.

Four sources of success

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Kaien is a for-profit company providing high quality software testing services to the Japanese software industry by employing people with High Functioning Autism
Kaien 2009 | All rights reserved